Get Involved in the Democratic Party of Kane County

Elburn Days Parade with the Western Kane Dems

August 20, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Downtown Elburn
Western Kane Dems
Elburn Days Parade with the Western Kane Dems @ Downtown Elburn
Join the Western Kane Democrats (Blackberry, Campton, Plato, Kaneville, Virgil and Burlington townships) and march in the annual Elburn Days parade! This is a great, short parade that always has awesome turnout with a lot of support!
We’re honored to have Senator Karina Villa, KC State’s Attorney Jamie Mosser, and KC Chairwoman Corinne Pierog marching with us this year as well!
Don your Democratic garb, bring an issues-based sign you care about or candy or other relevant SWAG to hand out to the children and join us for this fun evening parade!
We are #23 in the parade and will be lining up on West Reader Street between Read and Babock Sts. Please make sure you are there no later than 5:30pm, step off is at 6:00pm. Walkers should park at Lions Park and meet us!
Questions? Email us at