Interested in helping expand the Democratic message in Kane County, but not sure if you want to become a precinct committeeperson? There are plenty of opportunities to still lend a hand!
We are always looking for folks with the following skills and interests:
- Writers and content creators
- Letters to the Editor, press releases, newsletters and website blog posts
- Canvassers
- We always have candidates that are looking for some help with knocking on doors and talking to neighbors
- Phone bankers
- Same as above, but making phone calls!
- Visiting community board meetings and reporting back
- Parade walkers
- Writing postcards to voters
There are also many opportunities to assist on Election Day including:
- Poll Watchers
- Runners
- Place campaign signs at polling sites (known as poll dressing – if interested in this, please reach out to your township chair)
- Phone banking
Election Judges
Election judges help to insure that the rights of voters are protected on Election Day. This section points out the qualifications necessary to become an election judge and also some of their important duties and responsibilities.
Judges of elections are responsible for the administration of election procedures in the polling place on Election Day. They are in the position of ensuring that the election process is administered fairly and in accordance with the law.
How can someone become an election judge?
Contact Mark Guetle of the Kane County Democrats, the County Clerk or Board of Election Commissioners and express your interest in serving as a Judge of Election. (include contact info)
For more information:
Poll Watchers, Runners and Passers
Poll Watchers mark off the names of those who have voted on a master list and supply names of all voters to the Runner. Runners go to all voters who have not voted and leave a reminder to vote slip at their door. The Runners’ busiest time is between 5:00pm – 7:00pm. Passers distribute palm cards in front of the polling location. Palm cards have the names and office of local Democratic candidates. Passers must stand 100 feet from the polling location (by law). If necessary, one person can rotate duties as Runner and Passer. It is better, however, to have two or more individuals in these roles.