Kane County Democratic News
kane dems fall fundraiser 2024

Kane County Democrats Fall Fundraiser

On Thursday October 24th, join fellow Democrats at The Centre of Elgin, 100 Symphony Way, from 6-8pm to hear from some dynamic speakers.
kane county day of action

Kane County Day of Action | 10/20/2024

Join the Kane County Democrats on 10/20/2024 | Be part of the team that helps Illinois Democrats make a difference in every corner of the state!
asian elephants ass in closed up

A Sexist “Special” Guest Lineup for Republican Lance Bell’s Fundraiser 

Republicans are featuring assaulters, misogynists, and chauvinists as "special guests"...morally corrupt and out of touch with today’s culture and society.
kane county democrats heathcare video 2024

Healthcare Is a Human Right

Healthcare is a human right! Democrats fight to protect everyone! Watch our video!
Elephant butts from a herd as they walk away

So Many GOP Links

As the election gets closer, there are so many articles being posted about the local GOP Kane County Republican Party.
dundee township democrats 2024 picnic

Dundee Township Democrats 2024 GOTV Picnic

We had a great turnout for the Dundee Township Democrats 2024 Get Out the Vote picnic. Thank you to everyone who attended!
vote no on lance bell flyer 1

Just Say NO to Lance Bell

Bell describes himself as a prophet, servant leader and entrepreneur. However, his business ventures and accomplishments are anything but stellar.
discovering the truth

Stop the fear-mongering, get the FACTS – and STOP wasting everyone’s time!

Instead of continuing to do good things for Kane County, the Board is having to spend valuable time listening to NON – ISSUE complaints.
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WRMN Interview with Madam Chair Pierog

Kane County Chair Corinne Pierog was recently interviewed on WRMN 1410. Listen on Spreaker.com
lake forest train station

Chicago’s Suburbs and the Blue Shift in Illinois

Chicago-area suburbs are the reason that Illinois, a state with a Republican history dating back to Abraham Lincoln, has turned so solidly Democratic.
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Poor helpless MAGA morons!

Debunking the MEME that "Uncle Joe" ruined our lives by single-handedly forcing the cost of groceries to soar
kane county voter education flyer

Corinne Pierog | Setting the Record Straight

Members of the Kane County GOP have been spreading lies about County Chair Corinne Pierog. Let's set the record straight!
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