Kane County Democratic News
Howard Katz First Secular Illinois General Assembly Invocation 2023

First Secular invocation in the history of the Illinois General Assembly

The Kane County Democrats own Howard Katz gave the first Secular invocation in the history of the Illinois General Assembly on 3/1/2023.
Fact Check

Statement from State Rep. Anna Moeller on the end of cash bail in Illinois

Fake news sources are spreading misinformation regarding the end of cash bail right now, so I appreciate the opportunity to share the truth. Here are the facts. 

Support your U.S. Postal Service

The New York Times has put out an excellent article on the USPS and its warning about a delay in mail-in ballots. If you are voting by mail – please send your ballot back in as soon as possible, or drop it off directly at a county drop box (locations coming soon). U.S. Postal Service ...

Vote By Mail in Illinois

Gov. J.B. Pritzker approved a massive expansion in voting by mail which requires that vote-by-mail applications be sent to every voter who voted through the mail for any election since 2018. It even directs reminders to be sent in the fall and authorizes the Illinois State Board of Elections to publicize and ease the process. In Kane ...

April 15th, 2020 County Convention

The following email was sent to all of our elected PCs. If you believe you should have received this communication but did not, please contact us at info@kanedems.org. Hello newly elected Precinct Committeeperson (PC), Congratulations! After the ballot has been certified, your first job will be to elect the Chair and Executive Board members of ...

Corinne Pierog Campaign Announcement

Corinne Pierog will be announcing her run for county board chair on Thursday, July 18th at 1:00pm at the Old Geneva Courthouse. You can join her for “friend”raisers on Thursday July 25th at Danny’s Pizza in Elgin or Thursday August 1st at Cafe & Barr in Geneva.

21st Annual Golf Outing

You are cordially invited to be a participant or sponsor for the Kane County Democrats’ 21st Annual Golf Outing. This is a great opportunity to advertise and meet local candidates. The golf outing takes place at the beautiful Hughes Creek Golf Course. 1749 Spring Valley Drive, Elburn IL. $130 per player includes dinner, cart, and ...

Meet Our County-Wide Candidates

Hear straight from some of our esteemed county-wide candidates. Don’t forget to cast your ballot early, otherwise the polls are open on Tuesday November 6th from 6am to 7pm. Ron Hain for Kane County Sheriff   Lark Cowart for County Board #13   Michael Noland for 16th Circuit Judge   Jody Kanikula for County Board ...

Vote JB & Juliana

Kane Dems April Newsletter

Our April newsletter is available! Please click here to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings within the Democratic Party of Kane County OR view the PDF below.

Why these suburban women are still energized by Women’s March

Click below for the article:  Why these suburban women are still energized by Women’s March