Get Involved in the Democratic Party of Kane County

Older Americans Month Virtual Town Halls with Congresswoman Underwood

May 3, 2022 @ 9:30 am
RSVP for web address
Krystle Able
(309) 831-5284
Help spread the word to your friends, family, and members of your retiree group and encourage them to join the Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans as we host two Older Americans Month Virtual Town Halls w/special guests Congresswoman Lauren Underwood and Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky!
Older Americans Month Virtual Town Halls:
Congresswoman Lauren Underwood: May 3rd, 9:30am 
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky: May 9th, 11:00am

We will honor Congresswoman Underwood and Congresswoman Schakowsky with the 2022 Alliance for Retired Americans Retiree Hero Award for their flawless voting records on issues impacting seniors and workers, and will hear from them the challenges and opportunities for our priorities in Congress.

We’ll also be joined by movement leaders from the Alliance for Retired Americans, Caring Across Generations, and Citizen Action IL who will share what you can do to help advance investment in our nation’s care infrastructure, push back against threats to Social Security, and mobilize to move lawmakers to take action to lower the cost of prescription drugs!