3046 Sutton St
IL 60124
Sat Aug 13 – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Inflation hits the poor the hardest and makes their life very difficult. This means that they rely on the Food Banks even more. The BEST WAY to donate is to make a check out to ECM (Elgin Cooperative Ministry) – OR – pick up a few extra items while you are at the store.
Two Locations
Settlers Park, 3046 Sutton St, Elgin, IL 60124 (West of Long Common)
210 Wing Park Blvd, Elgin, IL 60123 (Carl and Cherryl Strathmann’s home)
What Is Needed
- Food items: cereal, canned foods, granola bars, peenut butter, pasta, rice, pasta sauce, veggies, fruit and meat.
- Cleaning supplies: sponges, paper towels, laundry detergent, bleach, all purpose cleaners, dish soap.
- Toiletries: soap, deodorant, razors, feminine hygiene products, shower gel, diapers, toilet paper.
The most effective donation is always money so the food pantries can buy what is needed in bulk. Make checks out to:
- ECM – Elgin Cooperative Ministry
- FFGE – Food for Greater Elgin
Can’t make it to the food drive? Contact Vern and drop off at his home. He’ll make sure the donations get to the food drive.