Get Involved in the Democratic Party of Kane County

BLM: Hampshire

July 18, 2020 @ 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Henpeck Park / Veterans Park
995 South State Street

(From the Facebook event)

Hello Hampshirites and fellow supporters,
After the last three weeks, Hampshire has become a less than happy town. Ever since this movement has made way to the 60140, a large presence of hate has bubbled to the surface. This has had quite the detrimental impact to such a “tight knit community.” But that’s the issue. Hampshire not only lacks diversity, but somehow drives any diversity out of town. People of color do not feel safe or included inside the town.  And since recent threats have been made to the BLM in Hampshire, this creates a need for people to finally come together and stand up for racial equality. Even people that usually like to watch from the sidelines. We’re asking for your help!! There is no time for silence.
When/Where/What ***UPDATE 7/9
2:30 PM – Gather at Henpeck Park / Veterans Park at IL-72&State St in Hampshire. We will have people from the community explaining their experiences during their time in Hampshire. We hope to create an understanding on why change is necessary and HOW to in a peaceful manner.
We will no longer be marching for the sake of safety.

People of color do not have much freedom to express themselves in Hampshire.
People of color do not feel safe to express themselves in Hampshire.
Hampshire has thrived on assimilation and compliance for too long.

The purpose of this protest is to be peaceful and create a lasting, public presence of support in this town. Supporters, let’s try to make Hampshire better than before.
Also please remember to bring water, masks and a whole lot of Whippur Pride. If weather does fail us that day, I will follow up with a rain date.