Kane County Democratic News
inflation meme 2

Poor helpless MAGA morons!

Debunking the MEME that "Uncle Joe" ruined our lives by single-handedly forcing the cost of groceries to soar
kane county voter education flyer

Corinne Pierog | Setting the Record Straight

Members of the Kane County GOP have been spreading lies about County Chair Corinne Pierog. Let's set the record straight!
vote no on lance bell flyer 1

Lance Bell “Tells the Truth” … Until He’s Caught

Lance Bell mismanages his own businesses. How can we trust him to handle county funds and budgets responsibly?
idcca logo

Happy Labor Day to Everyone Except Donald Trump and JD Vance

Donald Trump was one of the most anti-worker and anti-union presidents in American history and JD Vance stands firmly against working people and has opposed legislation to protect unions.
the statue of liberty over the scene of new york cityscape river

To the MAGA Republicans complaint about First Amendment Rights

The Kane County Democrats goals are to protect our first amendment rights to free speech and to peacefully protest.
americans for prosperity dishonesty

Americans for Prosperity Dishonesty

Paid organizer with Koch funded Americans for Prosperity speaks at Kane County Board meeting