Get Involved in the Democratic Party of Kane County

KCDW Hosts: What the Health? Forum

October 21, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Batavia Public Library
10 S. Batavia Ave

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The Kane County Democratic Women are excited to share our upcoming healthcare panel discussion, “What the Health?” on Sat. Oct. 21st at the Batavia Public Library 10:00 AM -12:00 Noon.

We will examine how COVID exposed existing inequities in the US healthcare system, revealing the ongoing need to improve and reform healthcare access in order to achieve health equity, including the Social Determinants of Health and the intersection of current social issues, such as Addiction, Aging, Climate Justice, Debt, Disability Rights, Domestic Violence, Gun Violence, Jobs, Immigration, Housing, Inflation, LGBTQ+ Rights, Mental Health, Poverty, Racism, and Reproductive Rights, as they relate to healthcare disparity.

This is a great opportunity to ask an expert panel questions like:
How can we improve access to healthcare by eliminating barriers for patients, and healthcare providers?

Why is our US healthcare system so complicated and dysfunctional for families, and society as a whole?

Who is affected the most by current inequities in healthcare?

When did healthcare become so expensive in the US?